Thursday, May 31, 2007

Rubi enjoying "bath time".

Rubi has found out that she has a voice, is now very vocal.

Dad doing his best "grandpa" (which is what we now call this position).

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Rubi discovered her thumb today (5/29/07) and also discovered it didn't taste all that great, she quickly spit it out.

belly time with dad. Rubi can now lift her head for short periods of time.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

We are all settled, and even Sedrick has gotten used to Rubi being around. As of May 19th (2 weeks) Rubi was 9 1/2 lbs and 21 1/4 inches long. Shes growing so fast, every day she gets a little bigger along with her personality.


Rubi relaxing with Dad.

Rubi and me after a very long day.

Grandpa and Rubi in what i suspect is her favorite position.

Rubi is 3 weeks and 1 day old today, and is now staying awake for hours at a time (although you wouldn't know that from these pictures). Shes a very good baby and sleeps through most of the night.

More time with family

Spending some quality time with Aunt Lacey, her cousins Ty and Tate,

her uncle Jesse, and her uncle Gage

Rubi's busy day

With Grandpa and Grandma McCann,

Uncle Pat and Aunt Katye,

and with Great Grandma McDaniels and Tracy.

Our girl

Falling in love with Rubi.


On Saturday, May 5th at 2:43 p.m we welcomed Rubi Lyn McCann to our family. She was a very healthy baby at 8 lbs 1 1/2 oz. and 21 inches long.


anticipating Rubi's arrival.

at the shower...

putting everything together...