Monday, October 27, 2008


Over the weekend, Uncle Kyle & Aunt Alana came to visit from Manhattan. Rubi was (as usual) a little stand-offish...that is until Kyle figured out that all Rubi needed was a ride in a space ship (which he did until his arms hurt).

Monday, October 20, 2008

Happy birthday Christopher!

Rubi and Christopher became fast friends, Christopher enjoyed piling leaves on Rubi, and Rubi was happy that someone was willing to chase her around (and to think early that day Christopher asked the question ,"how do i make girls happy", looks like he's got it all figured out).

I realize this picture is blurry, but our child it actually standing still begging for Christopher to throw leaves on her cute.

Rubi playing well with other children *gasp*.

Rubi & Cayden waiting patiently for present time.

Happy Birthday Commander Christopher.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

big mistake!

I will admit that we've been spoiled with Rubi's sleeping habits, if it's dark she'll most likely sleep. Occasionally it takes a little more effort to get her into bed...last night we lost the battle and Rubi lost her sanity.

around 8:30 Rubi decided she was not ready for bed....and for the first time, in a long long time we thought, hey lets let her stay up (big big mistake). In our attempt to tire her out, and let her make the decision to go to bed...she went in to totally different direction, this direction could only be described as...CRAZY.

at around 9:00 p.m she started doing some strange things. As punishment we've decided to show her prom date all of the photos from this particular night.

Like mother, like daughter.

One of Rubi's favorite pass times is walking in my shoes. She LOVES shoes. I think she would prefer going to a shoe store, over a toy store anyday.

yo gabba gabba

Rubi's favorite television program is a show called "Yo Gabba Gabba". She hands us the remote shakes her tush, points at the TV and says, "YO GA, YO GA". You don't even want the know the price we pay if we don't turn it on fast enough...there is a lot of crying a dirty looks involved.

This is a video of Rubi trying to imitate DJ Lance, who brings the charecters to life.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Tori turns 2!

This Sunday Tori, Rubi's cousin, turned two.

The birthday party was a great chance to let the girls get re-acquainted.

This is Rubi's other cousin, Jayda.

Happy Birthday Tori!!