Sunday, August 7, 2011


Uncle Pat and Daddy showing Rubi just how easy it is to jump in the pool!

Rubi has gone from a full life jacket to just arm floats! What a great summer!

Releasing Rubi's ladybugs

Once again, for Rubi's birthday she received a fun, educational gift involving feeding and watching a house of insects grow. Last year we loved watching her butterflies grow and this year Rubi experienced the life cycle of a ladybug.

watching her bugs grow from tiny larvae to adult bugs.

and finally, releasing the ladybugs.


Aunt Alana and Margot

Uncle Kyle and Margot

Daddy and Margot

Uncle Pat and Margot

Grammy and Margot

Aunt Tawnee and Margot

Grand-Pop and Margot

Aunt Katye and Margot

Margot's first few weeks

Rubi being a great big sister, helping with tummy time.

Tummy Time!

Rubi showing Grand-pop and Margot her "back butt".

Margot & Great Grammy and Grandpop McDaniels.

Margot getting used to the flashbulb.