Saturday, June 20, 2009

great taste,

typical day.

This talented child can hold all of her Gabba stuffed any means necessary.

Rubi likes all different kinds of music, and lucky for us she loves some of our favorite musicians. Which means the some days we listen to the Gabba soundtrack and others we listen to McLusky...she's definitely our child.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Rubi's Party.

We finally threw Rubi her 2nd birthday party (only a month and a half late, she'll never know). I think she was pretty excited to see all of her family (and the gifts they came with).


Rubi was so excited about the gift Grammy brought (A Yo Gabba Gabba blanket) that she thought she deserved a hug and kiss, in the middle of opening up all of her presents.

When all of the presents were opened, Rubi decided everyone (and i mean every single person) in the room needed a big hug.

Neil and I stayed up pretty late baking Rubi this Muno cake. It didn't take much time for Rubi to start slowing licking all of the icing off of Muno.

how to properly remove cake from your foot.

We were a little late, but the party was a success and Rubi had a lot of fun!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

We're home.

Now that we've have a front porch, Rubi's favorite thing to do is sit and watch cars go by. Every day after schools she runs up to the porch, hops in a chair, and politely asks me to bring her some juice.