Thursday, November 22, 2007


"I'm ready"

"four pieces please"

Unfortunately there was no time to snap Rubi eating her first bite of turkey. Which she soon realized she hated and cried until we took her away from the table. Otherwise Rubi's first Thanksgiving went over pretty well, we are all looking forward to next year when she can eat a lot more.

Music please...

After enjoying a Turkey day nap, Rubi was full of energy; so Grandma & Daddy taught her how to drum.

Monday, November 19, 2007


Rubi has her own unique way of staying awake...screaming as loud as possible. We are hoping this is a passing phase and she will one day love to sleep.

Nov. 18 2007

Today was Rubi's very first snow fall. She was outside for about 5 minutes and really enjoyed the flakes. We spent most of the day inside staying warm.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Rubi went to her 6 month well visit yesterday. She's now 17 1/2 lbs. & 26 3/4 in. long. The doctor said Rubi is very healthy and will be crawling in no time.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

burr bear

the frog.

Rubi is not so great at sitting yet. She ends up in the "frog" position most of the time, or falling over. Sedrick enjoys watching her whether she's sitting up or falling to the side.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

two front teeth

It's official Rubi has both of her bottom front teeth!!!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Six Months...

It's hard to believe that six whole months have gone by since Rubi's birthday. We have had such a wonderful six months with this beautiful little girl. Rubi has begun to sing to her hands (every Sunday morning), she loves her bouncer, her dog/brother Sedrick, being held & walked around, car rides, & rolling around. She has reached many milestones in this last couple of months and we're looking forward to the many more ahead.

Happy Six month Birthday Rubi Lyn McCann.