Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Roll over

The whole family took part in helping Rubi practice rolling over. Rubi will be 4 months in about a week. How time flies. She's talking like crazy these days, especially with her father. She enjoys sticking out her tongue and staring at both her hands and feet; which she re-discovers daily.

Daddy's girl.

Rubi and her father often have long conversations with each other (i suspect that most of the long talks are about my inability to cook).

The many faces of Rubi

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Sunday, August 5, 2007


First visit to an art gallery opening.

First time dipping her toes in a pool at her cousin tate's birthday party.

Rubi is not a big fan of "tummy time" or her "bumbo" seat, i think in time she will prefer lying on her belly to lying on her back.