Friday, August 13, 2010

Homegrown Butterflies

One of Rubi's favorite gifts from her birthday was a little project called Insect Lure. First came a box with the caterpillars, which Rubi thought held "Elephants, Birds, or Giraffes".

The next phase was putting the caterpillars (once they were in their cocoons) into the netting/home.

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Our butterflies happen to hatch on Neil's birthday.

Rubi was really excited about the "releasing" phase of this process, she walked around saying "I'm gonna let them go, AND CATCH THEM!" After we explained to Rubi these butterflies wanted to fly away to find their mommies and daddies, she was o.k. with letting them go.

These pictures would be better if we were releasing the butterflies in a field, next time we'll rent a farm for the occasion.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Lake Winola

A few weeks ago, we took a trip to Lake Winola...

Tori and Aunt Tawnee "rowing a boat". Tori is a little older than Rubi, and a little braver too. I think she's rubbing off on Rubi. Scroll a little more and you will see Rubi swimming in a lake, I KNOW! YES RUBI!

Rubi and her cousin Tori are quickly becoming (partners in crime) i mean great friends.

It took some convincing, but Rubi eventually got into the water.

...and then didn't want to get out. (which was fine with me)

Lake Winola was beautiful, we had fantastic weather, and no unhappy children.