Happy Fourth Birthday Rubi Lyn McCann.

Year One

Year Two

Year Three

Year Four! (She's almost as tall as her father..tear!)
I cannot believe that our little-tiny-baby Rubi is now FOUR YEARS OLD (and not at all little or tiny or a baby)! It's both heartbreaking and exciting to see her blossom into a li
ttle human. The heartbreak often occurs when i ask her to give her mother a smooch or to cuddle and she looks at me and says "NOOOOO".
Don't get me wrong, Rubi is by far the most affectionate little girl i've ever came in contact with. Often, during dinner she stops eating looks at us and says "Mommy, I love you...Daddy, I love you too". She then drops her fork and asks for hugs and kis
ses. If i was able to use her candle this year to make one wish, it would be that she always remain this affectionate.
Rubi is still the most careful child I know. She still chases other children on the playground, screaming BE CAREFUL!
This year when I asked Rubi what she wanted to be when grew up, she said, "STOP IT, leave me ALONE!" Oh well, there is always next year.
Rubi now has standard lines that she uses every day...
"That sounds like a good idea, right?!"
"I waaaaant Grammmmyyy"
"I'll be the princess and you be my majesty"
This year has passed so quickly I can hardly stand it. Rubi has certainly developed into her own person. She is still very outgoing and talks to almost anyone willing to listen. Just this past weekend at her birthday party, she invited a woman walking her dog to sit down and join the party.
I cannot express how much I love this little girl. It's hard to believe I will be able to experience this much love for another child. I think that Rubi (while it may take some adjusting) will be an amazing big sister. She is caring, loving, and very kind. I can picture Rubi talking Margot's ear off from the moment she enters the house. The only request Rubi has made so far about the new baby is that she get her own bedroom and her own car. Fair I'd say.