Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas 2010

Opening gifts with Aunt Alana and Uncle Kyle. I think the giant whoopee cushion was her favorite!

Handsome Harrison and Uncle Geoff.

Lovely expressions on Christmas morning.

"Despicable MEEEE"

Daddy showing Rubi how fun NERF guns can actually be, boy or girl.

"Is it an alligator?" - Grammy

The alligator she thought would never come!

This Christmas was by far the most exciting. At three years old Rubi was beaming with joy the minute we started counting down the days until Santa came. Everything is magical at three, from the Santa in the mall to the lights on every house in the neighborhood. Which makes Christmas even more enjoyable for the adults sharing it with her.

Surprisingly Rubi slept until close to 8:00am Christmas morning. "Santa's sleigh bells" woke her up (when Mom and Dad thought maybe she was in a coma). Every gift she tore open came with a great new expression. Some memorable quotes this year included...

"Momma, this is same baby doll we got at the store!"

(as she was opening a NERF gun) "Santa brought me a boy toy!"