Wednesday, May 14, 2008

cause for celebration

While this is Rubi's usual dinner face...tonight was a little different.

At this point Rubi's "hunger strike" was hitting the two week mark. Living strictly on whole milk, water, bread, cheerios and puffs, we were willing to give this little girl anything if she would eat it. Cookies, ice cream, cake, pork chops... ANYTHING!!

as a last resort we tried these "big kid meals" made up of mac n cheese, carrots and peas...Neil and I laughed as we microwaved the blue tray and watched Rubi's face...

"pfffft i'm not eating that"

i handed her the fork and shoved a cheesy noodle in her mouth. She didn't gag, she didn't act as if i put a hot pepper in her mouth, and she didn't spit it out...she ate it!!!

to celebrate what we hope is the end of Miss Rubi Lyn's hunger strike we went to the park.

(P.S. sorry grandma this took so long)

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