Tuesday, May 27, 2008

she cuddles!

as you can see Rubi has now perfected her "cheese" face.

Yes dinner always ends with a piece of bread.

At about exactly 1 year Rubi started cuddling. Not only does she love cuddling with us, but she will also cuddle with pretty much any soft surface in the house (i.e. stuffed animals, pillows, blankets, sweaters, daddy's leg). We've waited for a whole year for her to cuddle and now every time we sit on the floor Rubi has to lay on us for about a minute...she will then get up and crawl to the next soft surface to "rest".


Piscorik said...

That is too funny! She looks so cute ... enjoy the cuddling! Jenn

Sarah Mokwa said...

oh my goodness! I love the cuddling video :) She is such a cutie-patoodie.